Thursday, 24 July 2014

Half a World away......

Mycroft Holmes, Diogenes Club President

Although the eyes of European diplomacy are drawn towards to increasing tensions in the TransDanubian region, the rest of the World does not rest easy. Reports have appeared of strange goings on in Canada, where the RCMP apparently clashed with troops of some foreign power and were overwhelmed by what can only be described as wild beasts. There have even been reports of Mahdist fanatics raging through the country lanes of green and peaceful England. Around the World evil forces are at play.

Staff and members of the Diogenes Club, guardians of Empire

In the deserts of Syria, Colonel Haki of the Ottoman Special Police has been investigating rumours of an Arab uprising against Turkish rule. Strange tales of ancient curses, and human sacrifice have drawn his attention to Egypt, and his contacts via the Diogenes Club have alerted him to the activities of the Pantheon, an organisation of criminals and political activists who seek to cause chaos by exploiting the legends and myths of ancient races and dark magic amongst the uneducated and superstitious masses. This knowledge has opened Haki's eyes to what may be an international web of intrigue endangering the Turkish Empire.

Colonel Haki and his men

Basic Equipment
Colonel Haki

Leadership +2, fearless, iron will, marksman
Revolver, sword
Sergeant  Selim

Medic, Leadership +1, Impervious
Revolver, dagger
Constable Abdul

Tough, berserk
Revolver, arc truncheon, brigandine
Constable Alhuddin

Stealthy, intuitive
Revolver, arc truncheon, brigandine, dagger
Bashi Bazouk

Sword, dagger, may have musket
Kunun (Military police)

Bridandine, Military Rifle, dagger

In India the Diogenes agent Rudyard Kipling has travelled extensively using his role as correspondent to enter many doors locked to outsiders. He has developed a strange and varied group of colleagues including the itinerant and womanising horse trader, Mahbub Ali, a regimental Bhishti or water carrier named Dhin, an orphaned half caste beggar boy named Kim, another boy with a strange and mysterious knowledge and empathy with wild creatures named Mowgli, an Afghan warrior named Kamal, a one eyed Ghurka veteran named Ganju Thappa, but known to all as Billy Haddock, and three roguish British soldiers, Ballantine McChesney and and Cutter, sometimes NCOs, more often broken to the ranks for fighting and womanising.

Billy Haddock and the Sergeants Three!

Kipling can be a bit of a loose cannon, often traipsing off on some weird adventure or other, but he regularly undertakes missions under the direction of Colonel's Creighton and Hay, serving British officers whose roles are not entirely clear but who have apparent diplomatic clout. Both are members of the Diogenes Club and travel extensively. Creighton and Hay are interesting characters, the former every inch an English officer stiff backed and a reknown fighter, Hay on the other hand is sometimes seen as a blunderer and blustering character, but those who know him say that to judge him thus is to seriously underestimate the man.

Colonels Creighton and Hay

Hay has been reported to be occasionally in contact with another mysterious character, William Sampson, or as he is known across the Hindu Kush, The Wolf of Kabul. A deadly fighter with a pair of long razor sharp Afghan blades, his icy blue eyes have been the last things seen by many of the Empire's foes. He is constantly accompanied by a hulking brute of a Tibetan manservant know as Chung who wields a steel banded cricket bat as a weapon.

With men such as these, what has the Empire to fear?

Basic Equipment
Rudyard Kipling

Erudite wit, Leadership +2
Revolver, Jack, dagger

Swimming, stealthy, fearless
Dagger (may be accompanied by animal who he controls, bear, tiger, snake,  wolf, panther)

Stealthy, swimming, martial artist
Dagger, revolver,
Gungha Dhin

Medic, part of the crowd, Iron Will, fearless
Billy Haddock

Tough, fearless
Jack, military rifle, kukri

Engineer, bayonet drill leadership +1
Brigandine,Military rifle, bayonet, sword, revolver
Mc Chesney

Tough, bayonet drill, grenadier Leadership +1
Brigandine, Military rifle, bayonet, sword, revolver, grenade

Marksman, bayonet grill Leadership +1
Brigandine,Military rifle, bayonet, sword, revolver
Mahbub Ali

Duellist, fearless
Jack,Sword, dagger

Marksman, fanatic, stealthy
Mail shirt,, Sword, dagger, military  rifle
Colonel Creighton

Leadership +2, Inspirational
Brigandine,Revolver, sword
Colonel Hay

Engineer, Fearless, martial artist
Brigandine,Revolver sword
William Sampson “The Wolf”

Fearless, martial artist, Duellist, Leadership +2
Khyber Knives (count as two swords), Brigandine

Tough, berserker
Jack, Two handed Cricket bat

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